Crossed perspectives by Henriette Palavioux - Détours Madagascar
Crossed perspectives by Henriette Palavioux

Crossed perspectives by Henriette Palavioux

May 01 2015

If one wants to truly know a country, it is said that one must first love its people. In Madagascar, this is an easy task, as the ethnic diversity, languages, and mysterious traditions are plentiful. The Malagasy soul is generous and profound. Men and women live in harmony with the elements, the beaches are paradisiacal, the water’s colors are stunningly beautiful, and there are still villages accessible only by sea.  

It is a paradise for travelers seeking a place where landscapes, fauna, and flora create worlds like no other: giant baobabs are plentiful and seem to grow upside down. Nocturnal lemurs nest in the hollows of tree trunks, while others move in a way that resembles dancing.  

Chameleons, despite their poor reputation, display rainbow colors as if to win favor, and vast natural geological reserves sometimes have very mysterious origins. But above all, the love for Madagascar stems from its generous and smiling people, cheerful and united, much like the Tsingy, whose name means “on tiptoe”—perhaps the perfect way to approach them.

© Henriette PALAVIOUX - Avid Traveler and Photographer


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