Tolo, national guide at Détours Madagascar - Détours Madagascar
Tolo, national guide at Détours Madagascar

Tolo, national guide at Détours Madagascar

Jul 21 2016

Tanindrazana maro harena sarobidy – Land of Ancestors with Exceptional Heritage  

What I appreciate most about my job as a guide is meeting travelers and sharing knowledge. I love seeing their passion and curiosity when I introduce them to the natural wealth of my country and the diversity of cultures that form the Malagasy mosaic.  

I feel equally comfortable leading a classic tour or guiding a challenging exploration trek. A fan of mechanics and driving, I know the trails from the extreme south to the northern regions of Madagascar because my curiosity drives me to explore every corner of my country. I strive to stay informed and quench my thirst for knowledge. Participating in scientific missions has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the botany, ethnology, and geology of the Red Island.  

The relationships I establish with bush communities are initially complex but ultimately fascinating. During my first trips to the Makay Massif, the initial interactions were challenging. However, by respecting taboos, or fady, as well as local customs and traditions, I gained the trust of the inhabitants.  

Once a genuine connection is established, we can begin raising awareness about the importance of nature and its preservation. These exchanges become deeply engaging and are built on mutual respect. Together, we foster a real sense of responsibility for protecting both the natural and human environment because today, we are shaping what we will leave for our children.

  • To read also : The Makay massif by Tolo, a shared passion

Madagascar: More than lemurs, zebus, and whales

Everyone knows Madagascar for its lemurs, zebus, and whales, but few truly understand the people who shape this beautiful country. They are eager to learn and to receive training to improve services that will enable authentic and ecological tourism development.

At Détours Madagascar, we continue to share our expertise and knowledge, offering education, exchange, and resources to better protect the surrounding nature.

Tourism that respects people and the environment

At Détours Madagascar, we practice tourism in the most thoughtful and respectful way possible for the economic, social, and natural environment. This is a great source of pride and a collective endeavor for our close-knit team, united by a common goal: sharing and showcasing our island.  

I believe we all share the same vision: to make Détours Madagascar a responsible business while maintaining its human scale.  

We act as intermediaries between travelers and local communities. The way we conduct our activities and build connections makes me optimistic. Now, the people we meet through our travels, particularly the youth, are taking control of their destinies. They are the leading advocates for their environment, spreading the message of nature conservation.  

They educate those around them and lay the foundations for a future we hope will be better. I want responsible tourism to bring true, controlled, and respectful development, especially for the underprivileged, farmers, and their descendants, and to do so in a way that respects everyone involved.

Tolo ANDRIANANDRIANINA is a National Guide at Détours Madagascar, passionate about nature and exploration. Curious and attentive, he serves as an ambassador for the diverse cultures of the Great Island.


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