Cruises on a Schooner - Guide Madagascar - Détours Madagascar

Cruises on a Schooner

Life aboard a schooner is like experiencing the authenticity of the world’s first morning!

Cruises typically depart in the morning, the day after your arrival. During the rest of the cruise, departures are early, following the rhythm of the winds, ensuring excellent sailing conditions.

Traditional schooner cruises focus on sailing with all sails set, allowing you to truly experience your journey powered by the wind. Most destinations are extraordinary, untouched by tourism, offering constant interaction with local communities. 

The winds are always dependable. Mornings are generally marked by a land breeze from the east, which shifts around noon to settle in the west.

During the Austral winter, from June to November, the trade winds are steady. This allows our schooner, based in Nosy Be, to navigate the northwest of the Red Island, where moderate winds create an ideal setting for a dream voyage! 

Living by the rhythm of the wind and embracing its guidance for maneuvers are the key principles for a joyful journey. This is the eco-tourism concept of schooner cruises.

Discovery cruises 

Explore Madagascar's west coast, from Tuléar starting in April to Nosy Be, including Morondava, where you can discover its surroundings and the iconic Malagasy schooner hub of Belo/mer, where our boat was built.

Diving cruises 

Our diving cruises aboard the schooner are equipped with a compressor and 20 tanks. These cruises are designed to introduce you to numerous dive sites throughout your stay. The dives are relatively shallow in the Nosy Be region, ranging from 15 to 35 meters, allowing you to marvel at the rich flora and fauna.

Migratory cruises 

With Morondava on Madagascar's west coast as our home port, we offer three migratory cruises each year for sailing enthusiasts. The southwest coast of Madagascar boasts countless breathtaking landscapes, timeless anchorages, pristine beaches, and coral reefs that never fail to captivate visitors.


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