Ranomafana National Park - Guide Madagascar - Détours Madagascar

Ranomafana National Park

Spanning 41,600 hectares, Ranomafana National Park is one of Madagascar's most iconic and must-see parks.This park marks the transition between the Central Highlands and the eastern coast of Madagascar. Surrounded by hills, cliffs, and mountains, it is covered with dense, humid rainforest and crossed by several waterways. These elements create a lush, idyllic landscape, making it a perfect habitat for numerous animal species. Additionally, its mountains are the source of hot springs, giving the park its name, "Ranomafana," which literally translates to "hot water."


The park was established in 1991 through a collaboration between researchers, ethnologists, anthropologists from overseas universities, and the Malagasy government. To this day, the park remains of great interest to researchers, as evidenced by the presence of the Valbio Research Center. 

Since 2007, the park, along with other protected areas forming the rainforests of Antsinanana, has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Discovering the Park

Ranomafana National Park is home to a unique biodiversity, featuring rare and endemic animal and plant species. 

Covered by dense, humid rainforest at low and mid-altitudes, its vegetation is incredibly rich and abundant. Visitors will encounter orchids, apocynaceae, rubiaceae, euphorbiaceae, epiphytic plants, carnivorous plants, palms, hardwoods, precious woods, and tree ferns. This abundance is due to the park's humid climate and the numerous tributaries of the Namorona River.
Regarding wildlife, 12 species of lemurs have found sanctuary in this lush vegetation, including the Hapalemur Griseus Ranomafanensis, a very rare species endemic to the park and classified as critically endangered by the IUCN. The park is also home to the greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus), a flagship species that depends on the bamboo forest, as does the golden bamboo lemur (Hapalemur aureus). Additionally, 74 insect species, 90 butterfly species, 350 spider species, 58 reptile species, and 98 amphibian species have been documented here. 

Ranomafana is also one of the top birdwatching sites in Madagascar, with 115 bird species recorded, nearly 30 of which are endemic, such as the Meller's Duck (Anas melleri), Crested Ibis (Lophotibis cristata), Pitta-like Ground-Roller (Gactornis enarratus), and Henst's Goshawk (Accipiter henstii)

Both day and night, various circuits have been developed by Madagascar National Parks, the park’s managing entity, to bring visitors closer to its remarkable flora and fauna without disturbing them. Along these trails, you’ll encounter numerous endemic animals and plants, making your excursion a truly unique adventure. 

Visitors are advised to bring hiking shoes and rain gear.


The park experiences a humid tropical climate with heavy rainfall, averaging up to 4,000 mm per year. Temperatures typically range from 14°C to 20°C.


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